Tuesday 15 March 2016

How to Add a Bathroom

The number of bathrooms in a home can really make or break the home’s overall functionality for its inhabitants. But before you put your house on the market to look for a new one with that extra bathroom....read more

5 Things a General Contractor Can Build for You

You’ve spent an entire weekend poring over home decorating magazines and clicking on pretty before and after pictures on the Internet. You are starting to think it is finally time to embark on that remodeling project you’ve been dreaming about. The question is: Will you hire someone, or do it yourself? The answer has a lot to do with the scope of the project. Consider how much time and expertise the project will require, as well as things like local licensing, permits and insurance. While you might be OK doing small projects on your own, for bigger undertakings you will want to hire a general contractor.

Deck additions are a good example of something a contractor should build for you. A deck needs to be solidly constructed to bear the weight of whatever is going to be sitting on it. An experienced general contractor will know how to properly support the deck and how to make it look beautiful.

Attics and basements often end up being unused space in older homes, but a good contractor can build a bedroom into one of these areas. Bedroom areas are often subject to strict building and safety codes, so you will want someone who knows what they are doing.

A man cave, granny flat or whatever else you want to call it is a small outbuilding for lounging or living. While many local building and zoning codes do allow for this type of structure, an accomplished general contractor can probably build one for you in a shorter time than you would be able to manage on your own, while also taking care of all the necessary permits and licenses.

Rooftop additions can be a tricky business because you have to be sure that the lower-level structure can handle the added weight of a second story. If your dream renovations involve something like this, hire someone who can engineer the project for safety and efficiency.

Building a garage is another project where hiring a general contractor is your safest bet. New construction often involves land surveys, plan approvals and the hiring and managing of subcontractors like plumbers or electricians. This is not the type of task the average homeowner is prepared to take on. Instead, hire someone with the knowledge, skills and experience to do it right the first time.

Take the headache out of remodeling your home by contracting with someone who is qualified to oversee the entire project. Visit this website to find an experienced home construction contractor in Poway.

Concrete Cleanliness

Natural, resort-like bathing fixtures have become popular additions to everyday homes, such as this shower stall made of concrete. It comes complete with built-in shelving and edging appropriate for storage or sitting.

Why You Should Have Your Foundation Inspected Annually

Inspecting your foundation should be a yearly event. An expert will be able to pinpoint signs of water damage, pest problems and structural issues.Here is what an inspector will look for.

Exterior Inspection

 Foundation Cracks – The inspector will examine and measure any cracks or holes in the foundation. If cracks are wider than ¼ inch, this could be a sign of a structural problem. Even if they aren’t that large, openings could be letting water and pests into your home.

 Drainage – Measuring the gradient around your home is important. If drainage is poor, rainfall will accumulate against the structure, which could leak into your home.

 Landscaping – Large trees love water, which could cause the soil around your house to contract. Over time, this could cause the foundation to move up and down, causing cracking and buckling.

Interior Inspection

 Cracks – The inspector will check your house for signs of foundation movement. This includes cracks around door frames and windows.

 Framing – An inspection of the framing in the attic might indicate if the foundation has shifted. Also, windows and doors that don’t open and close properly could be a sign of problems.

 Plumbing – Plumbing leaks can damage a foundation. A damaged pipe beneath a slab foundation can cause the soil to shift, which might impact the structure above it.

Fixing problems when they are small will save you money and headaches in the future. If you are interested in scheduling an inspection, visit this website to contact a qualified foundation repair contractor in San Diego.

What to Do When You Need a Room Addition

There are many reasons people add new rooms to their homes, from the arrival of a new baby to simply needing more space. Building room additions is a complex and involved process, one which requires a good amount of planning even if you do not plan to handle any construction on your own. Here’s what you need to consider before expanding your home.

Legal Concerns

Just as if you were building a whole new house, there’s a good chance you’ll need to first obtain permits and handle tasks like submitting building plans to your local governing bodies. In many cases, you must gain approval prior to beginning work, so do yourself a favor and do a little research before making any hard commitments.

Hire the Right People

Unless you’re a truly capable do-it-yourself type, hiring a professional contractor is highly advisable when it comes to large-scale projects like this. New rooms involve more than just nails and two-by-fours: there’s ventilation, electrical wiring, plumbing and plenty of other factors to consider, making it prudent to hire the right help. Make sure to read up on contractors in your area to learn about jobs they have completed locally, their clients’ levels of satisfaction and other such pertinent information.

To find a quality home construction contractor in Poway, please visit this website.

10 Homes of the Future ... Today

What does the phrase "home of the future" mean? Does it indicate a home with more technology? Very energy efficient? Or one that just has that certain je ne sais quoi that screams....read more

Three Types of Patterns You Can Create With Decorative Concrete

Many homeowners and businesses are using decorative concrete to enhance their properties. From a cobblestone driveway to a stone patio, textured concrete looks realistic, is easy to maintain and is an economical solution. Here are three ways you can use decorative concrete.

1. Staining – Instead of applying a color to the concrete, a mixture of acid, metallic salts and other materials are applied to the surface. This creates a chemical reaction that changes the composition and the color of the concrete. The result is a surface that mimics marble or stone.

2. Stamping – Stamped concrete emulates pavers or natural stone. It can be shaped, textured and colored to complement any landscaping or architectural design. The most popular patterns include ashlar slate and cobblestone. Stamped concrete is popular for patios, driveways and entryways.

3. Stenciling – Stenciled concrete also imitates stone without the high installation cost and maintenance. A precut stencil containing wax is set into concrete after it is laid. Color hardener is cast over the concrete and a release agent is applied. After it is textured and dried, the result is a durable brick or stone finish. More realistic than stamped concrete, this look is ideal for driveways, stairs, patios and walkways. Stencils are also available in decorative patterns, such as rosettes and compasses.

These affordable solutions will enable you to obtain a fresh new look around your home or business. If you would like to explore the possibilities of decorative concrete in Poway area, visit our website.

Classy Colors

A traditional white-based color scheme highlights the elegance and open feel of this room. The dominant color is known as ballet white, and it’s one which is very popular when staging and selling homes.

The Importance of Underpinning Your Home

Underpinning is a method that is used to repair or increase the depth of a foundation. You might require this work if you want to change the configuration of your home, or if the structure has been damaged. If your foundation is displaying cracks that are over ¼ inches wide, it should be examined by an expert.

Underpinning Methods

A qualified underpinning contractor will determine the best method to repair your home. Here are some common methods:
• Mass Pour - This method extends the surface area of the foundation by digging holesaround the structure and pouring concrete.
• Screw Piles and Brackets – Screw piles are installed around the perimeter of the foundation. A hydraulic jack is used to shift the foundation into the proper position.
• Piled Raft – Piles are inserted inside the building. Reinforcing steel needles are placed to bear the wall’s load. Next, a ring beam is installed to link the needles. Concrete is poured to reinforce the new structure.
• Pile and Beam – Piles are driven at regular intervals along the foundation walls. They are connected by concrete or steel needles which are drilled through the walls.

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost of underpinning depends on a number of factors. The consistency of the soil, condition of the existing foundation and the size of the work area must be considered. Each repair technique has a specific cost as well.

If you would like to consult a foundation contractor about the condition of your home, visit this website to learn more about underpinning in Poway.

How to Choose the Right Paint Color for Your Home

Everyone enjoys customization. After all, it’s literally about making something yours, choosing the characteristics and features which appeal most to you personally. However, when it comes to painting your house, you should be wary of getting too comfortable with your own personal preferences. The colors on your home must also be suitable for your location, and not just now but throughout each season. Keep these tips in mind before you break out the paint.

Be Neighborly

Imagine yourself strolling through a nice neighborhood, walking past houses of white, tan and powder blue colors. Then you happen upon the house on the corner: eggplant purple with bold yellow for the trim. While this color scheme might tickle the home’s owner, it probably isn’t looked upon very favorably by the rest of the street. It’s okay to stand out with your color choices, but make sure you keep it restrained.

A Plan for All Seasons

That rich blue color you chose for your home might look great with the lush greenery surrounding your property, but what’s going to happen in the fall when those leaves start turning orange and brown? Unless you plan on painting your house for each season, make sure the scheme you select works year-round. Subtle primary colors and off-whites are popular choices for this reason.

To find out more about home painting in Carlsbad, please visit this website.

Friday 11 March 2016

4 Statement-Making Kitchen + Bath Design Trends to Try

Some might say it's a bit "sci-fi", dramatic or just too contemporary, but the trend this season in 3-D tile and wallboards was showcased... read more

Fixing Your Damaged Roof

You walk outside of your home to assess the damage after a huge storm only to find that your roof has been all but destroyed. After a moment of panic subsides you realize that you really have no idea what your next steps should be in this situation. So, what do you do when your roof has been damaged?

1)    Look for and document damaged areas

Check for leaks or water damage inside the home and then look outside for missing shingles and fascia or other visible signs of damage.

2)    Talk to your insurance agent to determine your coverage and possible out of pocket costs.

3)    Find the right roofing contractor

An experienced roofing contractor will help you with any claim documents that are needed and guide you in choosing the correct materials to repair or replace your roof.They will work with you to complete your roof repair in a timely manner to prevent any further damage to your home.

If your roof has been damaged, follow the above steps to help guide you through the process of replacing your roof. Visit this website for more information on roofing contractors in Corpus Christi.

Exciting Bathroom Trends for 2016

The decision to remodel your bathroom can be both exciting and a bit frightening. When you do not have a clear idea of what you want to see from the project, it can cause a bit of stress. Luckily, there are many ways to feel inspired and help your remodelers get the job done in a timely fashion. Here are a couple bathroom trend ideas that can get your wheels turning for you upcoming remodel.

Materials can be a fun thing to consider when you are trying to find a starting point for your remodel. Current style trends suggest that wooden bathrooms, or faux wooden bathrooms, will be all the rage in upcoming years. There is a simple, rustic quality to adding wood accents to your bathroom fixtures. If this appeals to you, it can be a fun option to explore. There are also many other choices out there for those who are not too fond of the wood look. Tile is always a good choice for a bathroom. Experiment with colorful tile choices and you can discover a look that speaks to your sense of style.

The shower is an exciting place to play around with when planning your remodel. There is a current push away from the bathtub that doubles as a shower. This trend might seem interesting, but it ultimately comes down to your own personal preference. If you are someone that enjoys taking a bath now and again, stick with the tub. However, if you never wind up taking baths and prefer the shower life, then you may want to see how you can work with your shower to create a new look in your bathroom.

Accents are always useful to bring forth the beauty of a room. Depending on the materials that are being used for your remodel, you may want to explore many different options. There is a classic appeal to metal accents that always works well with the layout of a bathroom. See which accents work best for the design that you have planned and everything will begin to fall into place.

The decision to remodel your bathroom is a great way to see your home in a completely new light. Take your time to plan out each aspect of your remodel and you will be able to give your team of experts the right idea of what you want to see from the project. For more information on bathroom renovation in Leland, visit this website.


After spending 20 years in her home, Christina Applegate loved everything about it. Well, almost everything.....read more

Commonplace Problems Your Roof May Experience

The roof of your home receives a great deal of wear and tear due to constant exposure to the elements. When you notice a problem, it can be wise to contact the right team to help you fix things up. In order to spot an issue early, here are a few of the most common problems a roof may see.


Perhaps the most common problem you may notice with your roof is a leak. This can be easy to spot, as water from rain will begin to drip down into your home. Usually, this is a simple fix, but the longer it goes untreated the more damage will be done.

Pooling Water

Some roofs are designed in a way that can allow water to collect and pool. If the season is particularly wet, this water can sit for an extended period of time and eat away at the integrity of the building. Catching this problem early can help you to avoid potential disaster down the line.

Eroding Surfaces

When the weather is harsh, it can wear away at the surface of your roof. Over time, this can lead to missing shingles, sudden leaks and all kinds of other problems. Having professionals inspect your roof can help limit how much damage is done.

When you notice a problem with your roof, it can be helpful to contact the right professionals. Visit this website for more information on roofing repair in Wilmington.